Electrical Jargon & Acronyms
Here at Carter Electrical Installations, we like to ensure our customers are kept informed about the work we are carrying out on their behalf. Likewise, we felt it important that visitors to our website understand some of the jargon and acronyms within the electrical sector, so we have put together a list of jargon busters below. If there is still something you don’t understand, contact us and we will be able to answer all your questions.
What is microgeneration certification scheme?
MCS – Microgeneration Certification Scheme: A nationally recognised quality assurance scheme, which certifies renewable technologies such as Solar Pholtovoltaic energy generation (solar panels). It is essential to choose an MCS certified company if you decide to install renewable technology
What is an electrical installation condition report?
EICR – Electrical Installation Condition Report: This is a test of the fixed wiring in a property (i.e. anything that can’t be unplugged). If all is acceptable and safe, a certificate can be issued. If not, a report is issued, which lists any faults found. If wished, we can provide a quote for any remedial work required to meet certification.
What is solar PV?
Solar PV – Solar Photovoltaic: These are the most common types of solar panels and convert light to electricity (not to be confused with solar thermal panels, which heat water but do not produce electricity – we’re sorry but we can’t help with these).
What is feed in tariff?
Feed in Tariff – The Feed in Tariff was set up to promote the uptake of renewable technologies. Unfortunately, it was scrapped at the end of March 2019. The new scheme (Smart Export Guarantee – SEG) was announced in January 2019 and started in January 2020. Rates can vary from provider to provider so you should shop around to find the best deal for you. The technology will still need to be installed by a registered installer in order to qualify. Further information is available here
What is NICEIC?
NICEIC – National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting. One of the organisations which regulate the training and work of electrical business in the UK.
What is the OLEV grant?
OLEV (Office for Low Emission Vehicles) – There is a grant available for up to 75% (maximum £500) of the cost of installing a charger for qualifying electric cars. We are registered with OLEV so are able to install this for you. Please contact us for further information.
What is part p?
Part P – An electrical safety law, often referred to as Part P of the Building Regulations, implemented to enhance the protection of homeowners and reduce the risk of electric shock when using electricity. The law, which applies to England and Wales, aims to improve electrical safety in the home and prevent the number of accidents which are caused by faulty electrical work. The law requires an electrician registered with a government-approved scheme, such as NICEIC, to carry out most electrical work in the home. After completion of any work your NICEIC registered electrician will issue you with a Building Regulations Compliance Certificate to prove it meets the required standards of Part P. You can only carry out electrical work yourself if you can inspect and test that it is safe for use. To comply with the law, you must notify your local building control office before you begin any work and pay the appropriate fee for them to inspect the work.