Solar Power Diverters

Solar Power Diverters 101

You’ve installed solar PV panels and you’re generating renewable energy from the sun, so what’s next?  What about a solar diverter, a handy device that works alongside your solar panels to enhance energy utilisation within your household.

A solar diverter’s function is to channel surplus electricity produced by the solar panels towards a designated appliance, typically for water heating, rather than exporting it to the grid, enhancing the overall efficiency of the solar panels for the homeowner.

When the solar panels produce an excess of electricity beyond the current household consumption, the solar diverter automatically detects this surplus and redirects the extra energy to a specified appliance, such as water heaters, or electric heating systems. Most electric vehicle (EV) chargers can also do this too. This increases the self-consumption of solar energy, reducing reliance on grid power and thus, lowering electricity bills. Although using a diverter to heat water is the most common use, it’s worth noting that solar diverters can’t be used to heat hot water if a combi boiler is installed in your home.

Ultimately, the price of a solar diverter is influenced by various factors such as the brand, model, features, and installation specifications. The good news is, they qualify for 0% VAT, which helps improve the payback by saving typical gas use to heat the water. However, the optimal utilisation of solar energy varies depending on individual circumstances. For most users, maximising savings and achieving quicker payback involves using surplus electricity within the home. Yet, if you benefit from a favourable solar buy-back tariff, selling your excess energy back to the grid may prove more worthwhile.

Today we shine a spotlight on the myenergi eddi. As myenergi explain themselves, “a solar photovoltaic (PV) system without an eddi is like a car without a steering wheel or driver. Without an eddi, you have no control over where you want your self-generated energy to go, or how you want to use it.

By installing a myenergi eddi, you are able to make the most of the green energy generated from your solar PV or even your wind generation system. By directing the excess renewable energy to other appliances, you can, for example, heat 100% of your hot water on self-generated green energy.

eddi uses state-of-the-art technology to monitor PV performance and your energy consumption. This means that surplus power can always be used in the best way – heating your water with solar ready for when you need it most. The eddi can fully heat your water using much lower amounts of solar generation, such as during winter mornings, late summer evenings or when it’s overcast, ultimately improving the life and efficiency of the heat pump, and prevents reliance on top ups from the grid.

At Carter Renewables, we highly recommend consulting with us to obtain an accurate cost estimate for a solar diverter tailored to your home, lifestyle and specific requirements. Contact us today to get your solar diverter journey started, and to get that metaphoric steering wheel added to your car!

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Electrical Safety at Home – Don’t Be Shocked

Our Planet Earth has existed for approximately 4.5 billion years, and we have only enjoyed domestic electricity for about 150 of them. Electricity is now something we absolutely take for granted: to light and heat our homes, cook our food, charge the devices to entertain us and much more. On the rare occasion of a power outage, we spring to our pre-charged smartphones to enquire about the cause, and more often than not are able to utilise stored electricity in some form until usual service resumes.

Yet, due to its convenience and normality within our modern lives, we tend to forget that electricity has the power to kill humans when manhandled, and around 2.5 million Brits receive an electric shock annually. That’s a shocking (!) 4% of the population falling foul each year to everything from electrical fires to fatal incidents, often sadly because of faults around their house.

Today we will explore the most common current (ok I’ll stop now) reasons for an electrical mishap, and how you can safeguard yourself against them.

It’s the main culprit for sure – old or faulty wiring will lead to electrical fires or immediate shocks. Even if you’re not a sparky, you can still learn to distinguish between old and new wiring from the colouring. Old plug wiring consists of a red live wire, black neutral wire and a green/yellow or a pure green protective earth (PE) wire:

Old Plug Wiring Colours
Know your old from your new!

Plugs with modern wiring contain a brown wire that is live, a blue neutral wire and a green/yellow PE wire. Broadly speaking, the wiring connections in new plugs are the same as in old ones but with different colours for the neutral and live wires.

As well as this, if you have any of the following in your house, get in touch with us today for us to check them out safely:

  • Cables coated in black rubber were phased out in the 60s
  • Cables coated in lead or fabric were installed pre-60s
  • A wooden-backed fuse box or cast iron switches would be pre-60s
  • Wall-mounted light switches in the bathroom are pre-60s

If the back of your TV, or by your bedside table looks like the image below on a permanent basis, please reconsider installing some additional sockets to cope with your electrical appliance demand. Misuse of extension plugs and leads is one of the biggest electrical offenders in the UK, not helped by the fact that appliances are often plugged into them constantly throughout the day and night, silently overheating, resulting in melted sockets or worse case scenario, house fires.

Overloaded Extension Sockets
Dangerously overloaded extension sockets

If you do have a lot of devices, think about only plugging them in when you need to use them, as the purpose of extension leads was originally for that exact use only – such as when you needed additional electricity to mow the lawn or vacuum your car. Additionally, make sure the extension lead you’re using is up to the job – the capacity should well exceed the electrical demand you’re placing on the cord.

We literally can’t live without them, needing a charger for everything from our phone, laptop and kids’ tablets to our vacuum cleaners and toothbrushes! And while the original charger that came with your device may be compliant with UK properties and our electrical systems, there’s a high chance that any replacement or ‘spare’ chargers, bought in a rush from Amazon Prime, are low-quality products made in China for as little as 3p a pop.

So how can you check your charger is compliant with UK properties and your plug sockets, in order to keep safe?

  • Check the Plug Pin: Examine the pins and ensure there is a minimum distance of 9.5mm between the edge of the pins and the charger’s edge. Failure to meet this standard could pose a risk of electric shock. Difficulty in plugging the charger into the socket may indicate incorrect pin length or size.
  • Verify the Markings: When purchasing a charger, ensure the brand’s markings are clearly visible. The output voltage should match that of your device, and a CE mark should be present to confirm compliance with EU regulations.
  • Refer to the Manual: Upon purchasing a device or charger, refer to the provided instructions for proper usage guidelines. These instructions will include details on correctly using the charger and offer essential electrical guidance.
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Step Inside the Carter ‘Green’ House

Being in the trade, I have the benefit of being able to install at below-market rates, which was a huge benefit and incentive to get started on this project. My main intentions, however, were to demonstrate how using renewables together can a) reduce your carbon footprint,  b) save you money, and c) earn you money.

The house is a 1970 bungalow, with approximately 145m2 of floor area, insulated cavity walls (although I do wonder sometimes!), old wood-framed double glazed windows, and a rather old gas boiler. The radiators throughout the house were a mix of single and double panels, which I planned to upgrade. Fortunately, the house, being an L-shape, had two zones for the heating plumbed in and 15mm legs to the radiators would help the flow rates for future heat pump installation

So far, I have added 7.91kWp of solar PV across the east, south and west elevations of the house to maximise solar efficiency, converting sunlight into renewable energy to power various electrical devices. Around the same time, I installed a 13.5kWh battery capable of charging and discharging energy from the grid, and storing excess solar energy to utilise during periods of high demand on the grid, or overnight. A 12kW heat pump combined with a smart Domestic Hot Water (DHW) cylinder is a more environmentally-friendly heating option compared to traditional boilers, and powered by the solar PV panels, reduces not only my carbon footprint, but my energy bills too. And of course, an EV charger was one of the first things to be installed to help power the Carter Electrical fleet!

Solar PV Panels
Solar PV panels across three of the elevations of the bungalow

As a snapshot, in 2022 we used 17,673 kWh of gas at an average cost of 6p/kWh, mainly for heating and domestic hot water, but also a small bit for cooking, bringing our net cost of gas for the year to £1,034. In addition to this, we imported 5182 kWh of electricity costing £571 – a small part was for electric vehicle (EV) charging, but the bulk was for domestic use. This meant we had a total demand of 22,855 kWh from the grid,.

Our gas usage in 2023 was 0 kWh! This was largely down to installing the heat pump and induction hob, and removing the gas to the property. If we had remained on gas with the existing boiler, the costs would have nearly doubled. Our electricity usage was 10,900 kWh, of which 7313 kWh came from the grid at an average cost of 13p/kWh. Therefore, grid electricity cost £928.64 however, I exported 1723 kWh worth £361.87 at an average of 21p/kWh. In addition to this, there were some Octopus Energy Octoplus saving credits and seven referrals which totalled £405.36. So once export was taken away from usage, my net cost of electricity was £161.41 for the year. This meant an incredible saving of over £1440 compared to 2022; our combined savings on gas and electricity was closer to over £2500.

7kWp of solar PV with a Tesla Powerwall battery was approximately £20,000. You can get cheaper, but this system is high-specification, using SolarEdge optimisers to minimise tree shading and multiple elevations as in the case of our bungalow. It is a large battery, but this allows us to maximise charging with cheap off-peak electricity in the winter, as well as capturing all the generation in the summer. The Octopus Agile Tariff and the battery has made the unit cost of electricity extremely low.

Tesla Powerwall
Jon’s Tesla Powerwall, which is high-specification, cost £20,000

The 12kW Samsung HTQ heat pump, Mixergy Cylinder and Homely controls came to about £12,500, although there is a £7,500 Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant available which brings the cost down closer to a boiler change. On top of that, our new radiators cost between £200-£300 per unit to swap. 

Samsung HTQ Heat Pump
The Samsung HTQ heat pump, which can be installed with the help of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant

It is a large initial outlay, but we are effectively buying 25 years of electricity upfront with the solar panels, and the battery then facilitates the ability to maximise the generation use and access to off peak cheaper electricity. With the cheaper electricity and the 350-500% efficiency of the heat pump, the cost to heat the house and domestic hot water drops dramatically and will only get cheaper. Remember – the price of gas will only ever go up due to it being a finite resource! 

Heat Pump Efficiency
Jon’s heat pump running yesterday at over 500% efficiency

It’s a change of mindset: we buy a car, a fridge or a sofa out of necessity and it’s not always the cheapest. We need electricity to run the house and we need to heat the house in winter and hot water all the time, so why not invest in something that allows you to do it cheaper and also helps reduce the use of fossil fuels at the same time?

I want to look to improve the efficiency of the heat pump, which is a lot of fun through experimentation and playing with settings to best suit our climate. I installed data collectors on all new equipment, so I’m constantly monitoring it to see if there are improvements that can be made. Next on the list, is to improve the insulation of the house and minimise draughts – I have a lot of old, leaky double-glazed windows that could be improved! Tech-wise, I’d love a wind turbine, but it’s not feasible (or so I’m told by my wife).

Do heat pumps work? Yes. Do solar panels work? Yes. Do battery storage systems work? YES. Together they are a large initial investment, however, if you have the capital expenditure, then it is clear and obvious you can reduce the operational expenditure of your house quite significantly. I reduced my utility costs by 90% in my first year of making these changes, and I am looking forward to continuing to analyse my energy usage in 2024 to further enjoy the long-term financial benefits, as well as knowing I’m reducing mine and my family’s carbon footprint! Contact us today to conduct a thorough analysis of your energy needs, local climate conditions, and available incentives, to help tailor a solution to your specific requirements.

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LED Light Bulbs

Energy Efficiency Tips for Businesses: Reducing Carbon Footprint with Renewables

In an era where environmental consciousness is no longer an option but a necessity, businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices. Energy efficiency plays a pivotal role in this journey, and one of the most impactful ways to achieve it is by incorporating renewable energy sources. In our first blog of 2024, we’ll explore a few practical and achievable energy efficiency tips for businesses committed to minimising their environmental impact and making a positive contribution to the planet.

This should be on your to-do list for early in the year! Before embarking on any energy efficiency initiative, businesses should start with a thorough energy audit. This process involves assessing current energy consumption patterns and identifying areas where improvements could be made. The insights gained from an energy audit provide a roadmap for implementing targeted efficiency measures, as well as some short and long-term SMART goals for you to tick off throughout the year.

Investing in renewable energy sources is a cornerstone of any sustainable business strategy. Solar power is increasingly accessible and offers a clean, renewable alternative to traditional energy sources. Installing solar panels on rooftops allows for on-site energy generation, reducing reliance on the grid. Excess solar energy can be stored in Tesla Powerwalls, and could reduce your electricity bill by up to 80%.

If you’re not using LED bulbs in your business yet, why not?! A simple yet effective way to enhance energy efficiency is by transitioning to energy-efficient lighting solutions. LED bulbs consume significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a longer lifespan, resulting in both cost savings and reduced carbon emissions. There’s no job too small for us at Carter Electrical: we can upgrade your lighting whether you have a small home office or a huge warehouse.

You don’t even have to spend any money to make your business more energy efficient – the commitment to energy efficiency extends beyond technology to the people within the organisation. Educate employees about the importance of energy conservation and encourage simple practices such as turning off lights and equipment when not in use. Engaged and informed employees can become ambassadors for sustainable practices both inside and outside the workplace.

And finally, as renewable energy sources like solar and wind are intermittent, investing in energy storage solutions such as batteries becomes crucial. These solutions enable businesses to store excess energy during peak production times and utilise it during periods of low renewable energy generation, encouraging less reliance on the grid at peak times.

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Electrical safety checks and EICRs – Safeguarding your home and business

Electrical safety checks and Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs) are crucial for safeguarding homes and businesses, ensuring that electrical systems are safe, compliant with regulations, and free from potential hazards. Here’s an overview of these concepts.

As a responsible homeowner, conducting regular visual inspections of your electrical systems to identify any visible issues such as damaged wiring, exposed conductors, or outdated components is a simple first step to safeguard your home, and can be done without the help of an electrician!

When using electrical appliances, ensure they are in good condition, with no frayed cords or damaged plugs, and always follow manufacturer guidelines for maintenance and replacement. Don’t forget the sockets – regularly check them and switches for signs of damage or overheating, and remember: avoid overloading sockets and use extension cords appropriately. Finally, inspect light fixtures and bulbs regularly for proper installation and any signs of wear, and replace, and dispose of, any faulty bulbs promptly.

This bit you need a sparky for!  An EICR is a detailed inspection and assessment of the fixed wiring (anything you can’t unplug) within a property. It is conducted by a qualified electrician to ensure compliance with regulations and identify potential safety issues. EICRs are typically recommended every 5 to 10 years for domestic properties and more frequently for commercial properties. They may also be required when major electrical work is carried out or when selling/buying a property.

EICRs should only be conducted by qualified and registered electricians who have the necessary competence and expertise. The inspection involves testing and assessing the condition of electrical installations, including wiring, sockets, switches, and distribution boards. After the inspection, a detailed report is provided, highlighting any issues found and recommendations for any necessary remedial work. The report will categorise issues by their severity, indicating whether immediate action is required or if it can be carried out at a later date.  Your electrician can quote for any remedial work required, to meet certification.

EICRs provide a comprehensive review of the safety of electrical installations, reducing the risk of electrical accidents, fires, and other hazards. Furthermore, they ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.

Although some insurance policies require a valid EICR to maintain coverage, EICRs are often required when purchasing a property, to ensure the electrical systems are in good condition. Regular checks and EICRs offer peace of mind for homeowners and businesses alike, knowing that their electrical systems are safe and in good working order.

In summary, regular electrical safety checks and EICRs are essential for maintaining a safe and functional electrical system in both homes and businesses. It’s crucial to stay proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues to prevent accidents and ensure compliance with regulations. Always hire qualified professionals for inspections and electrical work, to guarantee the reliability and safety of your electrical installations.  Contact us today to book in an EICR, for your peace of mind.

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Scammer or service?

“You have paid for an annual inspection and service which your installer has failed to provide…”

How many of you can relate to receiving one of these cold calls? How do they even know you have solar PV panels? How did they get your number? If anyone other than your certified solar PV installer is calling you about the panels they didn’t install, they’re probably a scam! Scammers use various methods to obtain phone numbers, and many of these methods involve exploiting information that is publicly available or accessible through various channels. Rest assured, there will never be any cold-calling or hard-sell from us, and we never pass on our customers’ personal details to third-parties.

Do I need an inspection or service on my solar PV panels?

Solar panels typically last between 25 to 30 years, although they will often still work after this time period, just producing electricity at a lower rate. The panels will often have the longest warranty in the solar PV system and the period of time that they last for is highly dependent on the manufacturer, installer and owner. Any servicing you undertake is entirely at your own discretion, and our installers can talk you through the various options at the time of installation.

Solar Panels for House

What maintenance do my solar PV panels need?

Solar PV panels are ultra low maintenance sources of renewable energy, and can add value to your home as well as saving money on energy bills. However, forget the scammers, there’s some servicing that can be carried out either by yourself or certified installers such as Carter Electrical Installation Ltd to get the most out of your panels:

  • Regular Cleaning: dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other debris can accumulate on the surface of solar panels, reducing their efficiency. Regular cleaning, typically with water and a soft brush or sponge, helps maintain peak performance. Carter Electrical Installation Ltd offers this service, along with all the safety gear so you don’t have to get up on your roof!
  • Visual Inspection: periodically inspect the solar panels for any visible damage, such as cracks or physical wear. Damaged panels may need to be replaced to maintain the overall efficiency of the system.
  • Tree Trimming: if there are nearby trees that could cast shadows on the solar panels, trimming or removing branches may be necessary to ensure maximum sunlight exposure. Tree trimming also helps to reduce the build up of leaves throughout the autumn and winter months.
  • Monitoring System Performance: many modern solar installations come with monitoring systems that allow homeowners to track the performance of their panels. Monitoring can help identify any issues with individual panels or the system as a whole.
  • Inverter Maintenance: inverters, which convert power from the panels into power for use in your home, may require occasional maintenance or replacement. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific type of inverter in your system.
  • Professional Inspections: while routine maintenance can be done by the homeowner, it’s advisable to have a professional inspection at least once a year. Professionals can identify potential issues that may not be obvious to the homeowner.
  • Warranty Compliance: adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines and any warranty requirements is essential. Some warranties may require regular professional maintenance to remain valid.

At Carter Electrical we offer installation and complete servicing of Solar PV panels for your home or business. Additionally, we will also come out and look at your panels even if they weren’t fitted by us!

Remember, legitimate companies typically do not engage in unsolicited calls that pressure you into immediate action. If the caller is persistent, high-pressure, or unwilling to provide verifiable information, it may be a scam. Always prioritise your safety and the security of your personal information, and politely ask these cold-callers to take you off their database, and ensure you block their number.

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The future of Renewable Energy: exploring the latest innovations and technologies

The future of renewable energy is not limited to large-scale utility projects; it’s also becoming increasingly accessible to homeowners. Here are some of the latest innovations and technologies in renewable energy that homeowners can explore:

Advanced Solar PV Systems

High-efficiency solar panels are becoming more affordable and efficient, allowing homeowners to generate more electricity from a smaller area of roof space, saving hundreds of pounds a year on electricity bills. At Carter Electrical, we offer installation and servicing of Solar PV panels for your home and business. Even if they weren’t fitted by us, we’re happy to come out and look at your existing solar panels.

Solar Battery Storage

Home battery systems, like the Tesla Powerwall, store excess energy generated by solar panels for use during nighttime or power outages, increasing energy independence. Furthermore, Tesla Powerwall 2 enables people access to one of the most advanced Home Energy Storage Systems on the Market. Powerwall 2 can be retro-fitted to any existing Solar System and presents a cost-effective and industry leading Load-Shedding-Protection and Night-time Energy Storage. It can also be fitted without Solar Panels to be used as a store of power and a backup in case of mains failure.

Smart Home Energy Management

Smart thermostats, lighting, and appliances can be integrated into a home energy management system, optimising energy use and reducing utility bills. We recommend Homely, the smart controller that optimises heat pumps, to heat your home efficiently and can reduce your heating bills by 25%.

Energy-Efficient Appliances and Lighting

Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting can reduce electricity usage and lower utility bills. LED lighting uses up to 90% less energy than incandescent lighting and 60% less than fluorescent lighting. They also last longer – the typical lifespan of an LED bulb is up to 50,000 hours, further slashing replacement and maintenance costs.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

Installing EV charging stations at home can encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, which can be charged with clean, renewable energy. At Carter Electrical, we like the Myenergi Zappi EV charger, which can use energy from the national grid, solar or both.

Finally, increasing affordability, accessibility, and sustainability characterise the future of renewable energy for homeowners. As technologies advance and the transition to renewable energy accelerates, homeowners have more opportunities than ever to reduce their carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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Keeping Warm During Winter: A Guide to Efficient Heating for Your Home

As the winter season approaches, the thought of cosying up indoors with a warm cup of tea becomes more enticing. However, ensuring your home stays comfortably warm during the colder months requires some planning and a reliable heating system. In this blog, we will explore various heating options and strategies to help you stay toasty throughout the winter.

Boilers: The Heart of Home Heating

Boilers are one of the most common and efficient methods of heating homes. They work by heating water and distributing it through pipework to various radiators in rooms. Here are some considerations for boiler owners:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual maintenance to ensure your boiler operates at peak efficiency. Clean filters, inspect valves, check fluid cleanliness and address any issues promptly to avoid costly repairs later. 
  • Thermostat Optimisation: Invest in a programmable thermostat to regulate temperatures efficiently. Lower the temperature when you’re away or sleeping, and raise it when you’re home and active. Look to run the system longer and cooler to maximise efficiency.

Underfloor Heating: Luxurious Warmth

Under floor heating is a very efficient option that provides even, comfortable warmth throughout your home. It involves heating coils or tubes installed beneath the floor surface. Effectively, underfloor heating is a big radiator in the floor:

  • Energy Efficiency: underfloor heating is energy-efficient as it it larger than wall hung radiators the flow temperatures can be lower to give the same amount of heat into a given room.
  • Flooring Materials: It works best with certain flooring materials, like tile or stone, which conduct heat effectively. Ensure compatibility with your existing flooring or plan accordingly during renovations.
Underfloor Heating

Air Source Heat Pumps: Efficient All-Season Solutions

Air source heat pumps are versatile systems that both heat and cool your home, which work by moving heat from 1 place to another. A fridge is a type of heat pump, they move heat from inside to outside of the fridge, if you felt the grills on the back they would be warm. ASHPs are basically outdoor boilers, they heat water in pipework that goes to either underfloor heating or radiators in your home during winter. Furthermore, they can even extract heat when temperatures are warm, moving the warm internal air to outside and cooling down the house. Here’s why they’re a popular choice:

  • Year-Round Comfort: Heat pumps provide efficient heating during winter and cooling during summer, making them an all-season solution.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint: They’re low carbon, and could be particularly cost-efficient if you’re replacing an outdated or costly system. Especially when combined with solar.
Energy Efficient Retrofit

Energy-Efficient Practices

Lastly, regardless of your heating system, practicing energy-efficient habits can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint:

  • Sealing and Insulation: Properly seal gaps and insulate your home to prevent heat from escaping and cold air from infiltrating.
  • Sunlight Utilisation: During the day, open curtains or blinds to allow natural sunlight to warm your home. Close them at night to retain heat.
  • Regular System Checkups: Periodically check your heating system for issues and replace parts as needed to maintain efficiency.

Keeping your home warm during the winter doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right heating system and energy-efficient practices, you can enjoy a cosy and comfortable living space throughout the coldest months. If you’re unsure which heating solution is best for your home or need assistance with maintenance and installation, contact us for expert guidance and support. Stay warm and enjoy a snug winter season!

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The Circular Economy and Renewable Energy: Creating a Synergistic Approach to Sustainability

No, you haven’t mistakenly clicked on a university thesis, this is indeed our August blog! The circular economy and renewable energy are two crucial components, which work together to create a more sustainable future. We’ll explain them today in a little more detail, and how we already utilise this concept at Carter Electrical Installation to create a greener future.

What is the Circular Economy?

Basically, it’s an economic system designed to eliminate waste and promote the continual use and regeneration of resources. Rather than the traditional linear economy, which works on the basis of take-make-dispose, and leads to excessive resource extraction and waste generation, the circular economy aims to close the loop by reusing, refurbishing, and recycling products and materials, rather than them ending up as waste. Chiefly, it works on the key principles of creating durable, long-lasting products; reusing and refurbishing; recycling materials and optimising the use of resources. As can be seen in the below graphic, the circular economy is one of regeneration and longevity.

And Renewable Energy, what’s that?

Renewable energy is energy derived from natural resources that are constantly replenished and virtually inexhaustible. Unlike fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), which are finite and contribute to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy sources are sustainable and environmentally friendly. Some common examples of renewable energy include solar power, wind power, hydro power, geothermal energy, and biomass. Overall, the advantages of renewable energy include the reduction of carbon emissions, lessening the dependency on fossil fuels and creating a sustainable energy resource.

Circular Economy + Renewable Energy = Sustainability

By combining these two concepts, we can create a powerful sustainability strategy. By reducing waste, preserving resources, and adopting clean energy sources, this approach helps address environmental challenges and fosters a more resilient and sustainable future. 

At Carter Electrical Installation, we install Solar PV systems that are used to provide clean, renewable energy that can be converted into electricity to use in your home or business, meaning you could save hundreds of pounds a year on your electricity bills. Additionally, by harnessing the renewable energy that comes from solar power, your reliance on fossil fuels decreases, providing a cleaner alternative, and one that positively impacts climate change.

Contact us today and we can discuss solar panels or renewable energy options for your home or business.

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Renewing our company one electric vehicle at a time

Pardon the pun, but our newest electric Maxus van has been on the roads for a couple of months now. One of our four 100% electric vans, it is emblazoned with our new Carter Renewables branding, an exciting division of our company focusing on Solar PV systems, Electric Vehicle Charging, Tesla Powerwalls and Solar battery installations.

As we look to diversify Carter Electrical with its new sister division Carter Renewables, it’s important we showcase the best of what renewable energy has to offer. And what better way than through our electric fleet; the Maxus EDeliver 3 does around 135 miles on a full charge, perfect for our work in and around the Reading area.

Carter Electrical New Electrical Vehicle

Why change to Electric Vehicles?

The electric vehicle (EV) market is booming, according to the latest vehicle stats. Electric car sales increased by 40% in 2022 and EVs enjoyed another record year with more than one in ten new vehicles being electric. The proportion of electric cars within the wider used car market is only going one way – up. Overall, 1.61 million new cars were registered in 2022 – a figure that’s 2.0% down on 2021 due to the impact of the pandemic and the continued global semiconductor chip shortage. Despite this, more battery electric vehicles (BEV) were sold in 2022 than ever with 267,203 registrations (16.6% of all new car sales), while plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) made up 6.3% or 101,414 cars.

Electric car sales are now second only to petrol cars in the UK.

Completing the circuit

With this in mind, more and more clients are reaching out to us to start the conversation about how they can make renewable adaptations to their homes and business premises to reduce their running costs for their electric vehicles. These include projects as straightforward as installing personal electric car chargers, such as the MyEnergi Zappi, or opting for our self-titled Triple Solution, where clients are storing the energy from their solar panels in storage batteries before using that generated power to run their homes. Batteries also let you charge up overnight with cheaper electric to reduce your unit price of electricity in the winter when there is less solar being generated.

Get Carter, go green!

So what are you waiting for? If you’re considering going green with your vehicle in the interests of contributing to a cleaner planet, not to mention adding value to your property or commercial venue, talk to us about an initial quote.

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